Othman bin Afan, may God rest his soul, is the third of the adult caliphs, and the first to be rejoiced in the sermon. The first to give the sermon on Eid and the first to delegate to the people to get their zakat out, the first to the guardian of the caliphate in the life of his mother, the first to take his policeman, the first to emigrate to his family from this nation, the first to gather people on one letter in reading, the first to increase the third call on Friday, the first to sift his flour, the first to cut the cat, and the first to fever to smooth the charity.
This is “Osman bin Afan” or “Dhul Nourin”, who took care of “Muhammad Reda” to translate his life and his necks and speeches and explain the details of his succession and exploits, and included the book along with the full biography of Osman bin Afan and the accompanying events of contemporary opinions that talked about the death of Osman May God bless him and speeches and poems lamented by the caliph of the believers.
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